HOME ALL audio engineerproducerrecording artistsongwriter AB Anna Buchegger Anna Buchegger Musikalisches Brückenbauen zwischen Tradition und Innovation. DR David Raddish David Raddish David Raddish started playing drums at the tender age of three. Thirty years later, he's still fascinated by percussion instruments. EN enns enns Post 2010s-internet-pop and experimental club sounds inform enns’ sentimental retelling of well-known desires. KA Kenji Araki Kenji Araki Known for genre-bending, electronic pop & post-club music and captivating live shows. KL Kimyan Law Kimyan Law Complex mosaics of ancient sound with modern aesthetics LM Luca Malina Luca Malina intense emotional realms and self reflections LO Lukas Oscar Lukas Oscar Where melodies meet raw emotion, crafting a journey through the soul. MW Maximilian Walch Maximilian Walch Restriction breeds creativity. SK SISKA SISKA SISKA's enchanting voice blends classical and electronic music in a unique way, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere with her thoughtful lyrics and beautiful melodies. SR Sofie Royer Sofie Royer Sofie Royer is a multidisciplinary artist, blending classical tradition with electro-pop. TW Toby Whyle Toby Whyle Writing songs has always been quite natural and ever-present in Toby Whyle's life. WA Wandl Wandl Where melodies meet raw emotion, crafting a journey through the soul.