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AB Anna Buchegger

Anna Buchegger Musikalisches Brückenbauen zwischen Tradition und Innovation.

KL Kimyan Law

Kimyan Law

Kimyan Law Complex mosaics of ancient sound with modern aesthetics

LA Lou Asril

Lou Asril Manages to extract the Soul in his voice exactly from where it lies within - leaving us both breathless and tongue-tied.

LO Lukas Oscar

Lukas Oscar Where melodies meet raw emotion, crafting a journey through the soul.


SISKA SISKA's enchanting voice blends classical and electronic music in a unique way, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere with her thoughtful lyrics and beautiful melodies.

TW Toby Whyle

Toby Whyle by Irina Gavrich

Toby Whyle Writing songs has always been quite natural and ever-present in Toby Whyle's life.